Data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion (accord­ing to GDPR)

who we are

Luis Leu
c / o Boris Berber
Luisen­strasse 32
76137 Karl­sruhe

The address of our web­site is:

What per­son­al infor­ma­tion we col­lect and why we col­lect it

We use the sta­tis­tics plu­g­in WP Sta­tis­tics to anony­mous­ly col­lect data to improve our online pres­ence. This includes which browsers and ver­sions are used, which search engines you get to our site, how many vis­i­tors vis­it the site in cer­tain time peri­ods or at the moment, and how many page views are made, from which coun­try the vis­i­tors of our web­site come from, which web­sites our links and the IP address.

Embed­ded con­tent from oth­er web­sites

Posts on this site may con­tain embed­ded con­tent (eg videos, pic­tures, posts, etc.). Embed­ded con­tent from oth­er web­sites behave just as if the vis­i­tor had vis­it­ed the oth­er web­site.

These web­sites may col­lect infor­ma­tion about you, use cook­ies, embed addi­tion­al third-par­ty track­ing ser­vices, and record your inter­ac­tion with this embed­ded con­tent, includ­ing your inter­ac­tion with the embed­ded con­tent if you have an account and are logged in to this site.

analy­sis ser­vices

We do not use analy­sis or track­ing ser­vices.

Who we share your data with

We only share nec­es­sary data for the use of our newslet­ter with the online newslet­ter ser­vice Mailchimp.

What rights do you have to your data?

There you can request an export of your per­son­al data from us, includ­ing all data that you have giv­en us. In addi­tion, you may request the dele­tion of any per­son­al infor­ma­tion we have stored about you. This does not include the data we need to retain for admin­is­tra­tive, legal or secu­ri­ty-relat­ed needs. We store only very few per­son­al data, max­i­mum first name, last name and e‑mail address, where­by only the lat­ter is absolute­ly nec­es­sary, if one wants to use our newslet­ter ser­vice. There­fore dele­tion by us equates to an inde­pen­dent dereg­is­tra­tion of our newslet­ter.

How long we save your data

We store the per­son­al data only as long as they are used by you, that is, as long as you are reg­is­tered with our newslet­ter.

Where we send your data

Vis­i­tor com­ments could be exam­ined by an auto­mat­ed spam detec­tion ser­vice

How we pro­tect your infor­ma­tion

We store your infor­ma­tion sole­ly through Mailchimp, a reg­is­tered trade­mark of Rock­et Sci­ence Group, at 1526 DeKalb Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30307, ​​USA.

For this we only use encrypt­ed con­nec­tions (HTTPS / SSL).