Is This A Picture Or Am I Supposed To Read It

02.11.14–14.11.14 Ana Kun
Samstag, 1.11.
ab 19 Uhr
Samstag, 15.11.
ab 19 Uhr

02.11. 14–21:30 Uhr Artist-Brunch

The show con­tains an ensem­ble of paint­ed works and dia­logue bub­bles, giv­ing the view­er the feel­ing that he or she brows­es through a graph­ic nov­el. The high­ly detailed paint­ings, whose com­po­si­tion is a stream of con­scious­ness, con­tain less writ­ing than the text works; all works have a vis­i­ble nar­ra­tive struc­ture, are whim­si­cal themed and high­ly ref­er­en­tial.

Most the works explore the way in which the Anglo-Sax­on pop cul­ture, from chew­ing gum and kryp­tonite to Cthul­hu and Buf­fa­lo Bill, becomes a part of the artist’s per­son­al mythol­o­gy. For instance, Buf­fa­lo Bill was here refers to Wild West Euro­pean tour which includ­ed both Timisoara and Karl­sruhe, but it also dwells on the some­what trau­mat­ic per­son­al expe­ri­ence of read­ing e.e. cum­mings’ poem Buf­fa­lo Bill’s defunct at a very young age.

A few works pre­serve the Roman­ian lan­guage and cul­tur­al frame of ref­er­ence, such as Post Jigarai (After Heart­burn) and the text of George Stavropoleos, while one work enti­tled Schon Gut func­tions as a lan­guage bridge. The mid­dle ground between the artist and the view­er, in terms of lan­guage, is the usage of Eng­lish, native to nei­ther, hence the mes­sage of one of the works to “please trans­late”.
