04/12/24–04/14/24 Anee-Louise Hoffmann
Flora Fritz
Jill Kiddon
Theresa Lawrenz
Vanessa Conte
Friday, Apr 12
at 5 pm
Sunday, Apr 14
at 2 pm

The bound­aries of the body are not that sim­ple. Curv­ing out­wards, pro­trud­ing inwards, hid­ing in a fold and stick­ing out. We feel not only with our fin­gers, but also with our nose or skin. It is per­me­able, absorbs and releas­es. 
Is it pos­si­ble to sep­a­rate what is inside the body from what is out­side? Tongue and teeth lie in the oral cav­i­ty and yet are con­stant­ly exposed: they touch, lick, gnaw. They allow us to com­mu­ni­cate. In addi­tion to recog­nis­able organs and body parts, there are also cav­i­ties and pas­sages in the body. The human organ­ism con­sists of many folds and spaces, its bound­aries to the envi­ron­ment are blurred. We are a home for oth­er organ­isms. We har­bour nutri­ents, dis­eases, but­ter­flies in our stom­achs, dull feel­ings. The body expands and seeks exten­sion in fur­ni­ture, cos­met­ic prod­ucts, fash­ion, tech­nol­o­gy. We are con­stant­ly organ­is­ing our­selves. Our house is on the move.

Open­ing 12. April, 17 — 21 Uhr
Open 13. — 14. April, 14 — 18 Uhr