
02/12/17–02/19/17 Angelika Arendt
Bram Braam
Collaboration Patrycja German / Holger Endres
Craig Stewart
Julius Weiland
Manfred Peckel
Miguel A. Aragón
Peter Böhnisch
Rainer Neumeier
Schirin Kretschmann
So Young Park
Tim Roda
Wolfgang Ganter
Sunday, Feb 12
at 7 pm
Sunday, Feb 19
at 7 pm

Exhi­bi­tion views

2/12 Mat­inée with brunch 12 am–2 pm / open­ing 7–10 pm

Open hours

2/16 6–8 pm
2/17 6–8 pm
2/18 6–8 pm

The exhi­bi­tion is curat­ed by Wolf­gang Gan­ter and Schirin Kretschmann. In coop­er­a­tion with galerie burster (Berlin).