Alles so sanft hier

05.04.24–07.04.24 Aleschija Seibt
Bastian Börsig
Daniel Bonaudo-Ewinger
Tim Bohlender
Freitag, 5.4.
ab 19 Uhr
Sonntag, 7.4.
ab 13 Uhr

Alles so san­ft hier

Tim Bohlen­der
Daniel Bonau­do-Ewinger
Bas­t­ian Bör­sig
Aleschi­ja Seibt

The four artists’ works all demon­strate a sub­tle aes­thet­ic qual­i­ty, cre­at­ed by a gen­tle­ness in the process and a con­scious choice of mate­ri­als.
Over­all, art that empha­sizes gen­tle­ness in the mate­ri­al­i­ty of the cre­ative process rep­re­sents a counter to the dom­i­nant forces of our time by fos­ter­ing a coun­ter­cul­ture of sen­si­tiv­i­ty, empa­thy and con­nec­tion.

Eröf­fung Fre­itag 05. April 2024 19 h

Sam­stag 06. April
17 — 20 h
Son­ntag 07. April
13 — 16 h

Luis Leu — Luisen­straße 32 — 76137 Karl­sruhe